At a time when labs want to eliminate repetitive and mundane tasks while increasing test speed and volume, comes a stark realization—automation is no longer optional. It helps labs do more with less, and while some gains are financial, others are much more valuable.
Increases in walkaway time elevate employee engagement and help lower labor costs by optimizing the use of highly trained staff members. Automation can also simplify operations, minimize repetitive motion injuries, drive higher quality output, and open the door for integrated testing.
Experience absolute automation with the Molecular Work Area. Now, labs have the opportunity to revolutionize their approach to testing and redefine their future potential. Significant reductions in hands-on time reduce error, maximize safety with each result, and free-up staff to perform higher value tasks.
The powerful cobas® 6800 and 8800 Systems simplify the analytical processing of a broad range of tests and samples in a single fully automated workflow. Generate 96 results in about 3 hours and enjoy up to 8 hours work-away time with the cobas® 6800 System, up to 6 hours with the cobas® 5800 System and up to 4 hours with the cobas® 8800 System respectively.
*Not all assays may be available in Canada
These advanced systems are built for efficiency:
Improve workflows and reduce the risk of errors with unrivaled efficiency. The fully automated cobas® prime Pre-analytical System consolidates, integrates and standardizes the pre-analytical process to streamline and simplify your lab operation.
The system will continuously load—without presorting—multiple molecular sample types for multiple tests into a universal tray and perform pre-analytical processing before transferring the samples to the analyzer for testing.
In the race to enhance laboratory value, automation is just one way that lab leaders can cut costs, improve efficiency and stay competitive.
Streamline processes by consolidating multiple sample types and tests across a broad menu onto one system.
Transform your current operation into a lab of the future with industry-leading instruments integrated into a single solution.
Increase efficiency and predictability with a common interface, a shared reagent concept and uniform solution configurations.
Transforming your lab and your future is easier than ever. Start your journey with the Molecular Work Area!