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Laboratory transformation
Take the first step toward lasting change
Get the most value from your investment
Efficiency and value sit at the heart of the Molecular Work Area and drive medical, operational, and financial impacts. Today, molecular testing can move in the same direction as its clinical chemistry by augmenting laboratory workflows with automation, consolidation, integration and standardisation.
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Laboratory transformation in action
Learn about our solution and how it's being implemented today.
Begin your journey of transformation
The first step to transforming your laboratory begins with cobas® 6800/8800 Systems. Streamlining your instrumentation with these high-throughput systems allows you to optimise your laboratory footprint and add significant testing capacity. Their broad assay menu can further reduce the number of instruments you need, minimising the number of workflows technicians need to remember and be trained on.
The next level of efficiency comes via integration. Pre-analytical automation solutions can be connected to cobas® 6800 or 6800 Systems, making it possible to automate greater than 90% of non-urgent routine testing.* Implementing advanced data capabilities gives you increased control over laboratory workflows, and can identify additional efficiency opportunities using analytics.
For laboratories looking to experience the highest levels of efficiency and production, the Molecular Work Area opens the possibility of integrating Molecular Diagnostics into the core laboratory. Roche is the only company that offers this level of integration.
*May vary based on assay availability in your country
No matter what your laboratory looks like today, the first step in your transformation journey will be working alongside Roche’s expert consultants. By collecting and analysing your own data, they can generate unique insights that will guide your individual journey.